Home / Poetry / The Essential Cornerstone

The Essential Cornerstone

Without Jesus in our lives,
we would not be able to survive.

Our spirits would not be strong,
for we would not, to Him, belong.

Unwise people don’t think things through.
Instead, they tend to see what they can do.

When the storms of life come their way,
they find their foundation is not going to stay.

Reaching out for help from their friends,
is no longer something that helps in the end.

Always seeing others’ mistakes in life,
it has caused them even more strife!

Due to the lack of strength in decisions,
they now know that they have no precision.

However, had they begun a new life,
Jesus would have been on their side.

You see, our lives are composed of battles,
in which the enemy loves to keep us rattled.

When waves of persecution come our way,
a decision must be made that same day!

If we are grounded in Jesus, our Savior,
our foundation in Him will not waver.

Grounded in Him, we will withstand,
holding on to the Rock on which we stand.

Others may scoff at what you have done,
but eventually their time will come.

They will realize that they were mistaken,
when the storms of life shake their foundations.

The layer of rock that they were lacking,
cost them dearly because of their laughing.

Among them there will only be sadness,
due to the choices of their own madness.

Having Jesus as our rock and firm foundation,
nothing on this earth can ever shake us!

If our hearts are rooted in Him,
every storm will be a Win–Win!

Mark 12:10 And have ye not read this scripture; The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner:

About Linda Delgado

Linda Delgado was born and raised in Springfield, Missouri. She moved down to Corpus Christi, Texas, with her parents, where she graduated from high school in 1977. She attempted to pursue a medical field, soon after. Realizing that's not where God's plan was for her, she continued following the Lord. In 1985, she married her husband, Rodolfo Delgado (after 38 yrs, is now with the Lord as of September 2023). In August of 2022, she became a Poetry author (Living Poems: From the Father's Heart - Inspirational Poems). She also enjoys sharing God's heart through freelance writing, as well. She is also a member of Faithwriters.com. Linda still enjoys the companionship of two pets, Tina (Chihuahua) and Miss Kitty (Tabby). Their grandson (18) plans on finishing high school next year. Linda hopes to put another book together, as the Lord leads, and is hoping to pursue her interests in writing a memoir. Her writings are concentrated on hearing the heart of God, by encouraging other believers and revealing God's heart for unbelievers.

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  1. Very well stated.
    God Bless this message by opening the understanding of all who reads this and take it to heart.

  2. If our hearts are rooted in Him,
    every storm will be a Win–Win!

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