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Tag Archives: believe

Up The Creek Without A Paddle (Chinese/English)

Up The Creek Without A Paddle 不用桨就能逆流而上 And he said unto them, where is your faith? And they being afraid wondered, saying one to another, what manner of man is this! for he commandeth even the winds and water, and they obey him… Luke 8:25. 耶稣对他们说:你们的信心在哪里呢?”他们又惧怕又希奇,彼此说:“这到底是谁?他吩咐风和水,连风和水也听从他了。 …路加福音 8:25 This is ...

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Only Jesus (Chinese/English)

Only Jesus 唯独耶稣 I have just had another birthday, life goes fast doesn’t it, the older I get the more I focus on what is truly important. 我刚刚又过了一个生日,人生如白驹过隙,转瞬即逝,不是吗?我年纪越大,就越专注于真正重要的事情。 So many things are calling for our attention, so what is important? 有那么多事情需要我们关注,那么什么才是重要的呢? Life goes very quickly; it is over in a ...

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Come Continually (Chinese/English)

PSALM 71 诗篇71 3 Be thou my strong habitation, whereunto I may continually resort: thou hast given commandment to save me; for thou art my rock and my fortress. 3求你作我坚固的居所,是我常去的地方。你已命定要拯救我;因为你是我的磐石,我的山寨。 Come Continually 不断地来 We have so many precious promises. amen 我们有许多宝贵的承诺。阿们 Here is another one. 这是另一个。 Every word of scripture is ...

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 Winning God’s Favor Or Man’s? (Chinese/English)

Winning God’s Favor Or Man’s? 争取上帝的悦纳还是人的悦纳? “Now am I trying to win the favour of men, or of God? Do I seek to please men? If I were still seeking popularity with men, I should not be a bond servant of Christ (the Messiah)…Galatians 1:10.” “我现在是要得人的心呢,还是要得上帝的心呢?我是求人悦纳吗?若我仍旧讨人悦纳,我就不是基督的仆人了。”——加拉太书1:10 The above verse presents ...

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Africa On The horizon

I’m getting closer to leaving for my trip to Africa. I’m going with a group of people from my church. We’ll be going to help out a home that houses several children and runs a Christian school. I’m starting to get more and more things ready for it. I’ve got ...

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