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Tag Archives: Counselor

Marriage Rooted In Faith: The Unbreakable Bond

Adam and Eve: The First Marriage (Genesis 2:18-25) In the beginning, God created Adam, the first man, and placed him in the Garden of Eden. Yet, Adam was alone, lacking companionship. So, God fashioned Eve from Adam’s rib, forming the first-ever human marriage. Their union symbolized more than mere partnership; it ...

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Emmanuel: God With Us (Chinese, English)

EMMANUEL GOD WITH US Matthew 1:23 以马内利 神与我们同在 马太福音1:23 What does this mean? 这句话是什么意思? Today, we will see what this means for us in real life, how does it apply for us today? 今天,我们将看到这在现实生活中对我们意味着什么,它如何适用于今天的我们? Let’s take every letter of this wonderful word and explore the true meaning of Christmas 让我们从这个奇妙的词的每一个字母出发,探索圣诞节的真正含义。 ...

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Fighting Depression Naturally

Along with the excitement of the holidays, depression can often sneak in. These episodes may range from mild melancholy to suicidal tendencies. There are wonderful Christian counselors, psychiatrists, and prescription medications that can be used in treating this debilitating condition. If you are experiencing depression or receiving treatment from a ...

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Our Hope: His Name Is Yeshua

“And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for he will save His people from their sins.”  Matthew 1:21 YESHUA.  When pronounced correctly, it is soft, flowing, almost like a warm summer’s rain.  It brings with it a sense of peace upon the hearing ...

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Walking in the Holy Spirit

Friends, today I would like to talk to you about a subject near and dear to my heart. It’s about seeking the Holy Spirit and the gifts He provides. I say this because I feel that we are on the verge of a new spiritual season, and the Holy Spirit ...

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