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Emmanuel: God With Us (Chinese, English)


以马内利 神与我们同在 马太福音1:23

What does this mean?


Today, we will see what this means for us in real life, how does it apply for us today?


Let’s take every letter of this wonderful word and explore the true meaning of Christmas


E- Poor Entrance Luke 2:6-7

E字母 – 可怜的入场 路加福音2:6-7

First impressions count.. or do they?


When royalty is born, they are usually born with lots of excitement, they are born in privilege and position. But Jesus was born in a stable and not a palace, he was born to poor parents, he was born in a backwater so to speak. He was not welcomed into the world by many the first time he came. One day, all will see him and be forced to admit that he is Lord of Lords and king of Kings.


M- Magnificent announcement Luke 2:13-14

M字母 – 宏伟的公告 路加福音 2:13-14

It’s interesting that thousands and thousands of angels announced the birth of Jesus, they must have made such a racket, but no one but the shepherds heard them. The star was up in the sky, but no one saw it but the wise men. Today, we as Christians, make the same magnificent announcement, but very few hear us, we tell of Jesus, but all people want to know of is: Santa, Presents and all the other things that really do not matter. The announcement is being made, but are you hearing it?


M – Lowly manger

M字母 – 卑微的马槽

The stable was the lowest place in the house, it was the place for animals, it must have been smelly and dirty and yet, Jesus was born in a place like that. He left the majesty on high, to come to a place like the stable . It had been prophesised that he would be born this way Micah 5:2.


The lowering of Jesus was incredible, he came to us, he was a king, but he gave up all that to come to us, he was born like us, he knew hardship right from the moment of his birth. We couldn’t go to God, we have no inclination to go to God, so he came down to us.


A-Acknowledge Him

A 字母 – 认可他

Both the shepherds and the wise men came and worshipped him, Herod was frightened of him and the religious leaders, who knew all about him, were unconcerned, just like the Romans. All these attitudes still exist today, you either reverence and worship him, you are scared because of how he will expose your sin, or you are completely unconcerned and he means nothing to you. Times do not change do they, people’s attitudes to Jesus do not change.


The most important question is




N- Wonderful name/names Isaiah 9:6

N字母 – 奇妙的名字/名称 以赛亚书9:6

We all have names, some more than others. But no one has ever been called what Jesus was called, and that was 700 years before his birth.


He is the wonderful counselor, one whose wisdom is beyond anything that has been seen before, even from Solomon.


Whatever your needs are, He is there to help you with His counsel, His truth and by His Spirit. What do you need counsel for today?

无论你的需要是什么,他都在那里用他的建议、他的真理和他的灵来帮助你。 你今天需要什么建议?

He is the Mighty God, a name that shows his deity. He is fully God, one with the Father.


He has power and authority over all things, all people and all spiritual powers. You have nothing to fear if He is your Lord and Savior. What fears do you need His help to overcome?

祂有能力和权柄控制一切事物、一切人和一切属灵力量。 如果他是你的主和救主,你就没有什么好怕的。 你需要他的帮助来克服哪些恐惧?

He is the everlasting father; he is the King. He is a king that cares for his people. He has always existed.


The Hebrews means “Father of Eternity,” and He has not only always existed, He has authority over time, events in history and your life too. Because He is one with the Father, though He is the Son, He has the same authority as the Father. In what areas do you need to remember that He is the authority, and you are not?

希伯来语的意思是 “永恒之父”,他不仅一直存在,而且对时间、历史事件和你的生活也有权威。 因为他与父是一体的,虽然他是儿子,但他有与父同样的权威。 在哪些方面你需要记住,他是权威,而你不是?

He is the prince of peace, he is the one, who brings peace. He is the one who brings peace between God and man.


He not only gives peace between Himself and you, but also between you and others, as well as inner peace, because of His grace, forgiveness and gives honour by adopting you into His family for eternity. If you do not know Him as your Lord and Savior, you cannot have peace with Him. If you do not have peace with Him, you cannot have peace. Do you have His peace today? If not, the only way is to turn away from your sin and shame and put your faith or full trust in Him alone for salvation.

他不仅在他自己和你之间给予和平,而且在你和其他人之间给予和平,以及内心的和平,因为他的恩典、宽恕,并通过接纳你进入他的家庭而给予你荣誉,直到永远。 如果你不知道他是你的主和救主,你就不能与他有和平。 如果你不与他和平相处,你就不能得到平安。 今天你有他的平安吗? 如果没有,唯一的办法就是离开你的罪和羞耻,把你的信心或完全信任放在他身上,只为得到救赎。

U- Undoing the fall in the garden Genesis 3:15

U字母 – 挽回在园中的堕落 创世纪3:15

Satan had lied to the woman in the garden and because of the fall, man was now alienated from God. But God knew that this would happen, and now was the time, that the fall was going to be put right. The promise of Genesis 3:15, was now going to be fulfilled.


Sin which had held sway, was now going to be dealt with, the destination of Jesus was the cross, the stable led to the cross, in just over 33 years, Jesus went to the cross to deal the final death nail to sin, satan and also death.


E- Encountering grace Ephesians 2:1-10

E字母 – 遇到恩典 以弗所书2:1-10

Jesus came down to earth and lived a perfect life, because we couldn’t and can’t. He paid the sacrifice, because we couldn’t. He was the substitute for us. We couldn’t save ourselves, we were and are helpless and hopeless, we are unable to help others, so one had to come.


He came so that he could open the way, so that sin could be dealt with, and that the penalty of sin, was laid on him. God was able to show his grace to us, because his beloved son, paid the price for sin, he took the wrath of the Father, his holy righteous anger, that was poured out upon his son, so that he could show sinful men and women his grace.


This Christmas, it is time to stop trying to save yourselves.


He came to save his people from their sins, because they are unable to save themselves.



L字母 – 生命

We come to the last letter and we come to this fact. This Christmas, you will receive many presents, but have you received Christ?


Rejecting Jesus, is like opening the present, and then playing with the wrapping paper, instead of opening the present. So many people, play with the wrapping people and don’t open the present.


People love all the tinsel, turkey and presents, but they ignore the real reason for Christmas.


The real reason is this, it is something beyond our comprehension, that the king of glory, left his heavenly throne and came and lived among us.


Jesus humbled himself, he walked and talked upon this earth for 33 years, he lived a perfect life, died a sacrificial death, rose triumphantly from the grave and is now ascended back to heaven.


One day, he will come back, not as a poor baby in a manger, but as a fearsome judge. He will judge everyone. One day, you will face him, you will have to give a reason, why you have decided to reject him.


He offers you life, that offer stands now, but it will run out soon.


Today is the day of salvation.


Emmanuel, God is with us


May you come to know Jesus this Christmas.


On this Christmas season, please consider the claims of Christ.


Happy and Blessed Christmas


About Keith H

Hello everyone, my name is Keith or kk. love the Lord, his word and his people.Saved since 1975. Married to an amazing Chinese lady called Helen withe daughter called Sherry Love to write and to share Gods word.. I love to travel, we have been to Norway, Rome and Prague recently. i love reading, watching sport and listening to music especially City alight and soundslikereign If you wish to contact me my email is [email protected] Remember to pray for the Chinese Church

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  1. Rightly Stated! Excellent Explanation! A must reading!
    Thank you for blessing us with these Beautiful Truths!

  2. Thank you for sharing with us the message and good news.
    God Bless~

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