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Tag Archives: greed

Covetousness: Deflecting Sin & Greed In Today’s Times

Jezebel: A Biblical Narrative of Greed and Downfall The story of Jezebel, a woman in the Bible who orchestrated the killing for land, is a tale that resonates with themes of greed, manipulation, and the ultimate consequences of such actions. This narrative is found in the First and Second Books ...

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Greed: The Adult-Sized Monster

Remember the monsters of childhood, those dark figures with long, spindly fingers, or the giant, hairy beasts that popped out from behind a closet door or a tree in your backyard? The illusive boogey man has terrified children around the world since the 1500s. I remember stories about this dark, ...

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The Consuming Fire of Greed

The Triangle Shirtwaist Company in Manhattan produced women’s shirtwaists. The fitted, long-sleeved blouses with high necklines worn by women with their long skirts every day in the early 1900’s.  Most of the company’s workers were teenage girls and young women who had immigrated to America with their families, dreaming of ...

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Immorality, Greed and Teddy Bears

If I wanted to destroy a nation, I would give it too much and I would have it on its knees, miserable, greedy and sick.    JOHN STEINBECK, letter to Adlai Stevenson, Nov. 5, 1959 It’s hard to believe that a child’s stuffed toy can point one towards simplicity and ...

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Do You Celebrate Thanksgiving or Thanks-Living

I admit I am a “Black Friday Shopper.” My sister and I get up long before the sun.  We trudge through the masses in search of treasure. We laugh at the idiots who fight over Furbie  (actually saw someone go down once over that one!), and we love it.  I ...

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