It’s amazing what you get from just a few seeds! One corn plant usually produces one large ear of corn—with between 800-1200 kernels on that one ear. Planting just one zucchini plant, usually with 3-4 seeds, produces enough zucchini to feed an average family for a season. And the next ...
Read More »You be the Judge?-Part III (the just Judge)
“No one can hide from God. His eyes see everything we do. We must give an answer to God for what we have done.” Hebrews 4:13 (New Life Version) When a judge is sworn in to our Supreme Court, or a district court in our land, an oath is taken ...
Read More »You be the Judge?-Part II (judging the heart)
It is the well-spring of life, it is evil and deceptive–no one can “know” it, it must be guarded, and out of its abundance our mouth speaks. The heart is more than just a muscle needed to sustain our life. The bible says there is another heart within each of ...
Read More »365 Reasons NOT To Fear
F.E.A.R: False Evidence Appearing Real. We live in a 92-year-old bungalow-style home. In my son’s room there is a large walk-in closet, and when my kids were young, that little room was just large enough to hide something scary that could come out only at night when the lights were ...
Read More »You be the Judge? -Part I (judging fruit)
One of my favorite things about summer when I was growing up were the afternoons spent driving our rural roads in search of farm stands selling fresh fruits and vegetables. They always tasted so much better than what you purchased at the market and there is a reason for this… ...
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