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Tag Archives: Idolatry

A Prophetess to the Rescue

Josiah wanted to be different! He had seen turmoil, heartache, violence, sexual debauchery, and disruption of society and government because of idolatry. His father, Amon, and grandfather, Manasseh, had been very evil and led their country into gross paganism with all its accompanying evils. Even as a young boy (Josiah ...

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Child King Brings Revival

Child King

(from Josiah’s story in 2 Kings 22 – 23 and 2 Chronicles 34-35) There was mourning – sort of.  King Amon, the wicked son of the most wicked king of Judah, Manasseh, had been assassinated after only two years as king.  Then the people of the land put the assassins ...

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The Everliving Lover

Hosea 2:16 And it shall be at that day, saith the LORD, that thou shalt call me Ishi; and shalt call me no more Baali. We know very little about Hosea’s history. However, biblical scholars call him ‘Israel’s First Evangelist’. Because Hosea was an honorable man, it must have seemed ...

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Putting a Pretty Spin on Sin

Before indoor plumbing the outhouse was a necessary fixture on the farm or in the backyard. Not only did the outhouse serve as an early bathroom, it was also the place where household garbage was dumped and the occasional alcoholic beverage was partaken of in secret. But the attempt to ...

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Bringing the Curses of God Upon Ourselves

Western civilization, the civilization built upon the foundations of the Christian faith, is dying a slow death. We are being punished for willfully turning our backs on God. Once we had the blessings spoken of in Deuteronomy 28 such as prosperity and having great nations; now we are suffering the ...

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