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Tag Archives: Job

When God Says “Wait”, or “No”

How many times have you expressed dismay over what God is NOT doing for you?  Does He really answer your prayers?  At various times most of us have thought the very same thing; perhaps you are struggling right now with this topic. A good pastor will tell you that God ...

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The Danger of Self-Empowerment

Self-empowerment. Sometimes it’s referred to as “being a strong woman” or an “independent woman.” We live in a world where women are afforded many of the same opportunities as men. But can I take a brief moment to speak something boldly to all the women reading this? Self-empowerment, in the sense ...

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Is God Ever Late?

Clock Photo Credit: http://www.spring.org.uk/images/clock.jpg

Life’s most critical moments—the ones that have you on your hands and knees, desperately calling on the Father—can lead you to believe that God is indifferent. Calloused. Tragically late. You prayed for healing. But it hasn’t come. You prayed for a mended marriage. But it hasn’t happened. You prayed for ...

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Is Pain Really a Problem?

C. S. Lewis wrote a book called, The Problem of Pain. Pain is a great problem but it also is a great time of learning. This problem isn’t referring to what is wrong with pain, but the depth of pain. A good life, or the abundant life, does not mean a pain free ...

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Loving Grace Leads Home

Simultaneously, as the congregation sang ‘Amazing Grace,’ I walked the church aisle and gave my heart to Jesus. I was nine. Honestly, I didn’t understand the meaning of Newton’s hymn, but it was the sweetest song I’d ever heard. And, I followed the divine pull. Nowadays, I think of grace ...

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