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Tag Archives: Money

Passing Easily Through The Eye Of The Needle

The Millionaire’s Transformation Jonathan who had amassed great wealth by working exceedingly hard. He lived in a grand mansion, drove the finest cars, and wore the most expensive clothes. Yet, despite his riches, Jonathan felt a deep emptiness inside. He had everything money could buy, but he lacked happiness and ...

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Should We Give Money To Panhandlers?

Matthew 5:42 Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you. Should we give money to the homeless who beg from us? Over the past few years the number of panhandlers in my area has increased and I’m left wondering ...

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Brave Enough To Stay

The two things most familiar to me were the North Atlantic, and the feeling I’d forgotten something. I stared at Maine’s rocky coast as my boat bobbled over swells toward Cumberland Docks. “Dietrich!” Chappy, my crew captain called. “I’ll get the shrimp out to market and have the boat turned ...

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You, Your Money and God

My pastor’s recent sermon centered on three things: God, money and me.  I was impacted by the unusual clarity of this message and want to share it with you. If you are seeking a closer walk with God, money is one of the biggest issues that can block you from ...

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Searching for Meaning in a Meaningless World

I sought the world and all its glories, A life of pleasures and no worries. I did not withhold a single treasure, I took anything I wanted, every pleasure. I was writing my success story, For I lived for fortune and glory. Oh the food and drink, and women galore, ...

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