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Tag Archives: Satan

The Bitter Root Of Unforgiveness

Watching ourselves as we age in years, as our spiritual walk with Him draws us near. Nearer to our Heavenly Father above, as we’ve opened up to His awesome love. If we choose to live our lives without Him, a chasm is created by our ever-present sin. Our sin will ...

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The Promise Rainbow

Our Heavenly Father, Abba, and Friend, will always love us until our time ends. Comprehending what He has done for us, is hard to do when He has done so much. We never asked for what He gave us; His life through His only Son, Jesus. He came by His ...

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God’s Merciful Love

Oftentimes we lose sight of what we have, as we live our lives on our Lord’s behalf. “What exactly do I mean by this?” you ask? We’ve taken for granted our Savior’s tasks. The gospel at hand is not being taught, but is being presented as if it were naught. ...

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His Mercy Covers All

God never meant for humankind, to live under Satan’s twisted lies. If God’s children would hear His words, they would be stronger in this world. As the years have gone quickly by, the lack of mercy became very high. God saw history being repeated, just as the Israelites did as ...

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Introduction To Psalm 139 (Chinese/English)

PSALM 139 – O lord, thou hast searched me, and known me. 诗篇 139 -主啊,你察看我,认识我。 Introduction. 序言 A Psalm for you and me. 一首献给你我的赞美诗 This Psalm is awesome, I come to it, with a deep sense that what I am going to share, will benefit some people. 这诗篇是庄严的,我来到它,有一个深刻的感觉,我要分享的东西,会使一些人受益。 This is one ...

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