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Tag Archives: Scripture

Grace In The Midst of Sorrow

“And when Jesus came to the ruler’s house and saw the flute players and the crowd making a commotion, He said, ‘Go away, for the girl is not dead but sleeping’.  And they laughed at Him.  But when the crowd had been put outside, He went in and took her ...

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Can We Learn From the Apocryphal Books?

Many devout, practicing Christians read, analyze and pray about many books of the Bible.  For many, this focuses on the New Testament, but still others research and delve into rather obscure Old Testament scriptures.  As “God-breathed” works, studying the whole Word of God is of course key to our understanding ...

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Thy Will Be Done: Do We Really Mean It?

Do you really mean it?  You have probably prayed it hundreds of times: “Thy will be done, thy kingdom come.”  Have you ever considered what the will of God looks like?  Sometimes we speak mindlessly; that’s dangerous.  Words have meaning.  Only humans have the privilege of expressing our minds, will and ...

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Should Christians “Bake for them two”?

Recently a Christian blogger responded to the hot topic: Should Christian bakers make cakes for same-sex weddings titled, “Bake for them two”. She proposed the idea that not only should Christians bake these cakes but that these bakers should make them not one but two cakes. Further, this blogger postulates that Jesus ...

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