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We Must Pray For Franklin Graham

We must pray for Franklin Graham, who is holding the banner high for spiritual truth and morality. He frequently speaks out on a variety of social and moral issues. Recently, he was verbally attacked for commenting on the shooting and disrespect of police officers, and how it shows a lack ...

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God’s Help, Times Three!

Growing up, I always took comfort in my mother’s words of reassurance when I was frightened or anxious about something. When she told me that everything would be fine, I could breathe a sigh of  relief! Yet there were times when I needed extra reassurance as I struggled,  doubt creeping ...

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The Victimization of Personal Responsibility

Has personal responsibility fallen victim to the “victimization industry”? It seems everywhere we turn someone is telling us we are a victim of something or someone–or that we may be if we’re not careful. It may be a noble cause to warn others of impending doom or rescue them out of their ...

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What is the right burden to bear?

Those who say, “Christianity is a crutch,” know nothing of the challenge inherent in living the Scriptures.  Consider these words from Galatians: “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”  Galatians 6:2  “For each one shall bear his own load.” Galatians 6:5 Do you, like me, ever find ...

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