As a little girl, I would often role play my future and imagine what it would be like when I get married. Part of my role-playing would include a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Not something that was dead and wilted, or losing it’s petals, but fresh, handpicked Lillis of the ...
Read More »A Letter for My Courageous Son, Nathaniel
Dear Nate, Sometimes your quiet demeanor makes it difficult for us (Mom and me) to understand what’s going on inside your head. We never want to make you feel uncomfortable in expressing yourself to us, so we tend to keep our questions and conversations short. We figured the day would come, ...
Read More »Social Media Tips for Parents and Teens
“Mom, will you let me get a Facebook account when I am older?” My twelve-year-old waited patiently for my response as I did my best not to cringe at the question. I knew the day was coming when I would have to give an answer to my daughter’s inquiry, and ...
Read More »Never Too Young: A Message To Our Youth
Never Too Young: A Message To Our Youth By Joel B. Today I turned forty and when I look back on my life there are a lot of things I got right and there are a lot of things I wish I would’ve done differently. However, there is an upside ...
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