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“Joshua” Movie Review

This is one of my all-time favorites. This 2002 movie “Joshua” is a definite winner on my list. It is sealed approved by the Dove Foundation Family. An excellent author, Joseph Girzone, wrote the novel “Joshua.”  The Joshua series included about 8 books.

Joshua (played by Tony Goldwyn) is a stranger who comes to a sleepy, little town and creates much needed changes in the townspeople’s lives. No one knows who he is or where he comes from and only knows him as “Joshua.” He is a compassionate man with simple tastes.  He is a wood carver and handyman. He helps all the people he meets: Joan, a mistreated housewife-landlady (Colleen Camp), and Theo, a kind-hearted-stuttering man (Eddie “Bo” Smith). He also helps a young, angry and mislead musician. Then there is Father Pat, a quirky priest (Kurt Fuller), Maggie, a lonely widow (Stacy Edwards), Father Tardone, an intimidating head priest (F. Murray Abraham), a revival preacher, plus all the other people he touches. The popular Christian band, “Third Day” makes an appearance, too.

Joshua accomplishes a lot in a little time, and this town is forever changed because of his visit! There are so many neat situations—there is one part where he lives in a barn with a lot of holes in the roof, but during a rainstorm, it doesn’t leak.  There are neat happenings like that throughout the movie.  It’s really a fun movie for the whole family to enjoy.

He does some supernatural miracles which makes Father Tardone suspicious and begins to feel threatened by Joshua. He calls Joshua a false prophet and a cult leader. He thinks Joshua wants all of the congregation members to follow him. He doesn’t think anyone does anything for nothing.

Joshua’s message is simple, he sees things that need to be done and he does it—with no ulterior motive. He shows the love of God to the people and the priest preaches about a God who you should be afraid of. It’s a must see to understand what I’m trying to say.  It gets to the point where Joshua has an invitation from the Pope at the Vatican in Rome. The townspeople gather together to give him a sweet, farewell dinner. The ending is miraculous which leaves us with a beautiful message. It is really worth watching.  I’ve seen it over and over and get the same tingly feeling every time I watch that beautiful ending.


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  1. Thanks for the review. I look forward to watching it soon.

  2. Just watched this movie. It’s “interesting” to say the least. However, I will say that it attempts to convey a positive message about faith and community. Thanks for the review Susan. 🙂

  3. Found discrepancies and felt displeased with the portrayal of a religion that leans more to a belief of works over the finished work of Christ. Also the Bible teaches that we need no mediator on earth for Christ is our Mediator between God and man (1 Timothy 2:5).
    But the community pulling together with a purpose to help and encourage one another was uplifting.

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