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Be At War With The World

Friendship with the world is contrary to the Bible. Therefore warring with the world and it’s godless ideals and culture is something a Christian should engage in in order to make disciples.

We are obviously supposed to be in this world and work and share the truth of God’s word. Making disciples takes work on our part. We work to plant the seeds of the gospel, God does the saving work. So why do we make friends with the world?

James puts it pretty bluntly in the verse below:

James 4:4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

As enemies of God their destination is hell. We see all around us today the depravity of man. Put on full display with no shame or remorse. Celebrating it to no end and inculcating our youth with lies from the devil.

As we grow in our walk with Christ those anti Christian ideals become more apparent. They try to dim the light that Christ shines into the world. We as believers should seek to call out those that try to deceive and manipulate the people of God. Being in God’s word diligently studying it is the only way to equip ourselves for that work.

1 John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

The things of this world will pass away and ultimately will not fulfill us. When we are saved we are saved from this world. The Father saved us for himself. For us to worship and glorify Him in this world so others might do likewise. Making disciples of Christ is every Christians duty and call. Let’s act like it.

About Matthew S

I'm currently a Deacon at a Baptist Church in the process of becoming an elder. I have an amazing wife and one son. Currently work in a box/puzzle factory. I enjoy studying God's word, lifting weights, hiking, hunting and fishing.

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One comment

  1. Great message Matthew!
    Thank you,
    God BLess~

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