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Thankful For The Son

Thanksgiving always brings about thoughts of good home cooked food and being around relatives you might not get to see often. At least that is what I think about when I hear Thanksgiving. Growing up we didn’t go to church very often so thankfulness or being thankful for things wasn’t ever in my mind until we got to the meal and someone prayed or said grace before the meal. Even then I was just ready to get that part over with so we could get to eating.

My family dynamic growing up was different. My parents were divorced in my teens so I rebelled pretty good at that time. So the Thanksgiving meals were one side and then the other for as long as I could remember. I especially enjoyed the Mexican side , my mom’s side, because we didn’t have the traditional turkey and sides. We had Mole, Mole is a term used in Mexican cuisine to describe a type of sauce. The word mole is pronounced MOE-lay. I love it and the rice, refried beans and tortillas that came along with it. It was a tradition on that side of the family for a lot of years. I’ve made it a few times on my own but it never tastes the same, sad face. It was the tradition of the meal and being with family that I enjoyed and miss now that my grandmother and mother are gone. I guess it is a tradition that I can bring back but I’ve never really given that much thought until now.

But back to my real reason for this article, thankfulness. Now that I’m older and wiser, allegedly, I see why the younger me only thought about the food and why my older relatives took much care in trying to keep that tradition alive and going. My older relatives knew the importance of getting together as a family and sharing stories to bring about a sense of unity. We see this same thing happen in churches today.

In churches today pastors seek to do basically the same thing. Bringing people together around God’s word is how that happens. It unifies the congregation and keeps God’s word in the forefront of our minds. We all see how Jesus’s sacrifice brings us all together. We are all great sinners in need of a greater savior. The Son of God gave his life as a ransom for many.

So this is our cause for thankfulness. Because He died we can live. We live for Him, giving him thanks for everything we have. Every breath we take. Every life we come into contact with was made by him for his purpose.

1 Thess 5:16-18 Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

About Matthew S

I'm currently an elder at a Southern Baptist Church in a small town. I have an amazing wife and one son. Currently work in a box/puzzle factory. I enjoy studying God's word, lifting weights, hiking, hunting and fishing.

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  1. Good Morning, Matthew,
    Thanks for sharing this article with us.
    Great message and truth.
    Have a blessed thanksgiving to you and your family.

  2. In this article you pointed out a normal way many people can relate to while growing up. We can be preoccupied with our desires while overlooking the importance issues in those moments.The focus is on the things that wet out appetites while paying little attention to the real reasons we are experiencing these moments.
    It was good to hear your story and to see the turning point in your life as you came to understand the true meaning of specific moments in time and its significance in our spiritual lives.
    Hoping everyone reading this will be helped and blessed by your words.

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