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Sharing the Burden

On the next day, Moses sat and served as judge, settling disputes among the people. Those with grievances surrounded him from sunrise to sundown waiting to present their case. 14 Jethro noticed all Moses was doing for the people.Jethro: What do you think you are doing? Why are you the only one who is able to judge the disputes of all these people who surround you from sunrise to sundown?
Moses: 15 These people come to me seeking direction from God. 16 When two people are arguing and can’t resolve their differences, they come to me; and I settle the matter between them. This is one way I help God’s people understand His requirements and instructions.Jethro: 17 What you are doing is not good for you. 18 The responsibility is just too much. You are going to wear yourself out. Not only that, you’re going to wear out the people too. You can’t do it all by yourself. 19 I am going to give you a piece of advice, so listen up and God will be with you. You should represent the people before God, and carry their concerns to Him. 20 Teach them God’s requirements and pass on His laws. Show them the right way to live and the kind of work they should be doing. 21 As for all these other duties you have taken on, choose competent leaders who fear God, love truth, despise dishonesty, and won’t take bribes. After you divide and subdivide all the people into various groups of a thousand, hundred, fifty, and ten, put the men of integrity you selected in charge over the various groups. 22 Let these righteous leaders be ready to judge the people whenever it is necessary. If there is some major problem, they can bring that to you. Otherwise, these select leaders ought to be able to handle the minor problems. This will be much easier for you, and they will help you carry this burden. 23 If you do what I advise and God directs you, then you will be able to handle the pressure. Not only that, but all these people standing around needing help, they will be able to return to their tents at peace.24 Moses accepted Jethro’s advice and did all that he said. 25 He chose competent leaders and put them in charge of the community of Israel. He divided and subdivided the nation into groups of a thousand, hundred, fifty, and ten, and he appointed a leader over each group. 26 The righteous leaders judged the people whenever disputes or problems arose. Any major quarrel, they brought to Moses for his judgment; but every minor argument, they judged themselves.Exodus 18:13-26

This seems to happen a lot around the Body of Christ, especially in our local churches around the land. God places a body of people together who are anointed for service in certain areas. But for some reason either the Pastor or a small group of people end up giving all the money and doing all of the various ministries in the church. The result the Pastor and the “serving” group become bitter, frustrated and burned out. The work Moses was doing was way too much for one man to handle. God sent Jethro to let Moses know He was carrying too much of the burden of ministry on his back. God’s solution:

As for all these other duties you have taken on, choose competent leaders who fear God, love truth, despise dishonesty, and won’t take bribes. After you divide and subdivide all the people into various groups of a thousand, hundred, fifty, and ten, put the men of integrity you selected in charge over the various groups.

The Lord’s heart for a ministry is for each individual to operate in their gifting and minister to the rest of the body. This way the power of God will manifest in the gathering and he is able to work wonders. Also, it alleviates overtaxing the one individual or group of individuals. Burn-out, bitterness, and resentment will be avoided among the people who are doing the entire ministry and carrying the Load.

Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

Jesus is calling us to lay down our cares and worries about whether we can minister or if we will fail in ministry. He is the one who will empower us for the ministry He has called us to serve Him in. Every believer taking to heart the Lord’s call to cast all their care upon Him concerning ministry and working in it; will cause us to walk in His peace being confident in His ability to minister through us.

The Body of Christ functioning in their anointed roles will work harmoniously as a whole bringing peace and rest to everyone involved in the ministry. When everyone participates
in the ministry, serving in the roles they are gifted in, then the burden of ministry is spread around the body and no one is left with carrying too much of the load.


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