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“Michelle”-Bible School Teacher: An Interview

Interview with Michelle, a Bible Class Teacher for Children aged 5-7.  She is my neighbor’s niece and was visiting when we started chatting outside, it was a lovely day. She had children Bibles in her hand, and we just got to speaking about God, and how quickly children memorize Bible verses, and how they’re like sponges absorbing it so readily. From there I thought, why not bring this to TBL as an interview. I then asked if I could interview her, and she emphatically agreed without hesitation. So here it is – enjoy!

CD: Thank you for joining us today, Michelle. Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your role as a Bible class teacher?

Michelle: Thank you for having me. I’ve been teaching Bible classes to youngsters for about ten years now. It’s a role that I cherish deeply because it allows me to share the love and wisdom of the Scriptures with the next generation, a very worthwhile exercise in life.

CD: Ten years, that’s strong dedication. What inspired you to start teaching Bible classes?

Michelle: Growing up, I had a wonderful Sunday school teacher who made the Bible come alive for me. Her passion and dedication inspired me to follow in her footsteps. I wanted to give back and help children understand the importance of faith and the role of God in their lives.

CD: So many teachers have a powerful impact on their students, obviously as your Sunday school teacher did for you. How do you think teaching Bible classes affects you personally in today’s secular world?

Michelle: Teaching Bible classes keeps me grounded and constantly reminds me of the values and principles that are important. In our world that truly feels rushed and at times disoriented, distinctly evil and morally ambiguous, the Bible provides a solid foundation. It helps me stay focused on what truly matters and gives me strength to face challenges that will jump up during any given moment.

CD: So true! Can you share a particular scripture that resonates with you and your students?

Michelle: One of my favorite scriptures is Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” This verse encapsulates the essence of what we do in Bible class. It’s about planting seeds of faith and values that will grow and flourish throughout their lives.

CD: Love that Proverb, it’s fabulously true. What challenges do you face in teaching Bible classes to children in a world that is so filled with distractions and media?

Michelle: Oh – Yeah-One of the biggest challenges is competing with the many distractions and influences that children face today. Social media, peer pressure, and secular ideologies can sometimes make it difficult for them to stay focused on their faith. However, I believe that by creating a loving and engaging environment, we can make a lasting impact.

CD: I agree! How do you address these challenges with these young fertile minds?

Michelle: I try to make the lessons as interactive and relatable as possible. We use stories, games, and discussions to make the Bible relevant and believable to their everyday lives. It’s also important to build a strong community where the children feel supported and valued.

CD: Yeah, almost like hands-on experience- that sounds wonderful Michelle. Can you share a memorable experience from your time teaching Bible classes?

Michelle: There are so  many, but one that really stands out is when a young girl in my class, who was very shy and withdrawn, started to open up and participate more actively. Over time, she became one of the most enthusiastic members of the class. Seeing her transformation and knowing that the teachings of the Bible played a part in it was incredibly rewarding. You could actually see the light and glow on her face as she started to engage fully and completely with confidence that only could come from knowing the LORD.

CD: Wow! So inspiring, thanks for sharing that powerful story. How do you incorporate moral thoughts and meditative takeaways into your lessons?

Michelle: Each lesson is designed to not only teach the stories and principles of the Bible but also to encourage the children to reflect on how these lessons apply to their own lives. We often end our sessions with a time of meditation and prayer, where the children can think about what they’ve learned and how they can live out these values in their daily interactions.

CD: Excellent Michelle. What advice would you give to other Bible class teachers facing similar challenges?

Michelle: Stay patient and persistent. The seeds you plant today may take time to grow, but they will eventually bear fruit. It’s also vitally important to stay connected with their parents and guardians, as their support is crucial into completely reinforcing the lessons at home.

CD: That’s so true about the parents and guardians. How do you stay motivated and inspired in your teaching?

Michelle: My faith is my biggest source of motivation. I also draw inspiration from the children themselves. Their curiosity, honesty, and eagerness to learn remind me of the importance of what we do. Additionally, I stay connected with other teachers and mentors who provide support and encouragement. Plus, I’m always in my Bible-for almost a good portion of the day. You might say, I never stop. On a personal note, I think that everyone should stay connected to God all day long and into your night’s sleep.

CD: Michelle-I fully agree on that. Truly connecting to God on all levels is fundamentally important to Christians and those of faith. I’m sure your students are in fine hands, as the LORD leads you to teach. This is truly a calling teaching, in any capacity – especially with youngsters leading them in God’s Word.

Michelle: Yes, it is a calling indeed. I’m blessed that God chose me to do this important role. I take great delight is serving Him in this capacity.

CD: Finally, Michelle – if you are willing, I usually close my articles with a prayer. May I suggest that you lead us in a closing prayer-If you are willing?

Michelle: Of course! I am willing, Let’s bow our heads.  ‘My God, we would like to thank You for the opportunity to gather and learn from Your Word. We ask for guidance in all things, Please Father, help us to instill Your values into the hearts of our children, here in this country and throughout the world, and to be shining examples of Your love and grace, and may these little children accept the seeds of love, and may they flourish, become deeply rooted in their faith, and be fine servants for You all their days here on earth, we pray these words in Jesus Christ’ Holy and precious name, Amen.’

I hope this interview provides insight into Michelle’s experiences and reflections as a Bible class teacher. A role that is oftentimes overlooked- yet it is quintessentially one of the most important roles in life, (besides parents of course!) leading the little children, and raising them up to be Christians in a new generation. A role that is vastly diminishing as we speak, but then again – Christ is victorious and we have the victory always in Christ. Amen!

Psalm 34:11 Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the LORD.


C D SWANSON is an Author of 22 plus books, freelance writer, contributor to various websites, including The Bottom Line Ministries/Faith News. She's an active member of Faithwriters- and has her online website/ministry for over 15 years. It is her greatest joy to write what’s in her heart, and thus her favorite form of expression is in her devotionals. She and her husband share a deep love of God and dote on their fur baby Mickey. Retired Director from Long Term Healthcare Industry, she continues to be an advocate for many. To check out other writings of this author you can go here:

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    • Hi Keith -Yes!- she is – such an important role in today’s generation. The same if not more significance than previous decades.
      Thanks for your input Keith!
      God Bless~

  2. Great job Camille. Love the way that the LORD led you to this lady as you met in your backyard. He truly establishes all our footsteps all day long.

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