Home / Poetry / Overcoming Your Past With Jesus

Overcoming Your Past With Jesus

Just one more day, before it comes,
the day I have waited to overcome.

The years without Jesus that have gone by,
remembering how my heart was so dry.

Did I use my experiences, good or bad,
to lean on the Lord even more than I had?

Am I able to look back on completed tasks,
and see God’s hands removing each mask?

What was my childhood really like?
Had I gone through that much strife?

I know oftentimes I still see my past,
but what He saw is awesomely vast!

Not able to see the plans He had seen,
had me thinking how His sight was so keen.

Thinking of the scripture that I knew well,
*His thoughts are higher than mine can tell.

More questions began to flood my mind —
Was I an introvert or an extrovert at times?

In my hurtful times, what did others see?
My hope is they saw Jesus, my Lord, in me.

Jesus’ miraculous love, shining through,
hung upon Calvary’s Tree for me and you.

Amazing promises were fulfilled that day,
in giving His love in such a vast array.

Yet He saw us as His precious gems,
declaring how precious we are to Him.

As He tenderly embraces us, we will know,
that His eternal love for us is clearly shown!

He is reaching out, with His arms wide open,
welcoming you, for He knows you are broken.

Our lives were not meant to go through this alone,
because He said He’d walk with us till we come home.

His love is eternal, unconditional, and so much more,
and you can meet Him now. He is at your heart’s door.

Don’t put off opening the door to your heart.
Waiting till tomorrow is never a good start.

You don’t know when your last breath will be,
but if you believe in Him, you will receive.

This is the most crucial decision you will make.
Leave your past behind you, before it is too late!

Too many have said, “I’ll just do it my way,”
then they realized their last breath came that day.

Isaiah 55:9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

About Linda Delgado

Linda Delgado was born and raised in Springfield, Missouri. She moved down to Corpus Christi, Texas, with her parents, where she graduated from high school in 1977. She attempted to pursue a medical field, soon after. Realizing that's not where God's plan was for her, she continued following the Lord. In 1985, she married her husband, Rodolfo Delgado (after 38 yrs, is now with the Lord as of September 2023). In August of 2022, she became a Poetry author (Living Poems: From the Father's Heart - Inspirational Poems). She also enjoys sharing God's heart through freelance writing, as well. She is also a member of Faithwriters.com. Linda still enjoys the companionship of two pets, Tina (Chihuahua) and Miss Kitty (Tabby). Their grandson (18) plans on finishing high school next year. Linda hopes to put another book together, as the Lord leads, and is hoping to pursue her interests in writing a memoir. Her writings are concentrated on hearing the heart of God, by encouraging other believers and revealing God's heart for unbelievers.

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One comment

  1. Beautiful Linda!
    God Bless ~

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