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Tag Archives: Cross

What Does the Cross Mean to You?

During our Good Friday service, my pastor stood at the front of the sanctuary and begged the simple question: What does the cross mean to you? Four people came forward, each from different walks of life, to answer the question. One person spoke about wholeness. Another completion. And yet another ...

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Our Hope: Not the End of the Story

“So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, ‘It is finished!’  And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.”  John:19:30 (NKJV) Jesus rode triumphantly on a donkey’s back into the holy city, Jerusalem, during the Passover.  He was celebrated as a king. He spent a few days ...

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To the Lost and Longing

I lived the first 24 years of my life lost and longing for more–longing for things I couldn’t describe because I wasn’t sure what they were at first. Have you ever found yourself like this–wandering and searching for more? You can go to church and not be saved. And if you aren’t ...

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DO YOU BELIEVE? Opens March 20

DO YOU BELIEVE?, the much-anticipated sequel to last year’s faith film, God’s Not Dead, opens in theaters on March 20. God’s Not Dead, surprised filmmakers and movie goers alike last year when it debuted in fifth place on opening weekend. Although up against big-budget movies like Divergent, the film still ...

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OUR HOPE: Where’s The Message?

‘The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of our God endures forever.’  Isaiah 40:8 (NIV) Several years ago we helped our daughter-in-law and two grandsons move from our town to a home near the army base where her husband, our son, was stationed.  He was in Afghanistan at ...

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