My grandmother could clean circles around me, even in her later years! Her floors always sparkled, she washed every glass and piece of silverware by hand, and I can still see her using her ringer-washer on laundry day when my sister and I would visit. Having a clean and orderly ...
Read More »When Paul Sang Hymns
Ollie would never know her own mother, she was just one year old at the time of her death. As a young teen, she was sent along with her sister, Sarah, from their rural Virginia home to Berea College in Kentucky, to attend school. The sisters worked for their education ...
Read More »Milk and Honey, or Slavery?
For 50 years before the dawn of America’s Civil War, the people, places, and various hideouts on the Underground Railroad helped rescue slaves from the southern states, leading them towards freedom. The journey was filled with risks for both the slave, or passenger, and those offering assistance along the “railroad.” ...
Read More »Miracles From The California Fires
The town of Paradise was in the path of the “Camp Fire” in northern California. The fire burned down 95 percent of this town of 27,000 people. Pastor Doug Crowder of the Magalia Baptist Church was hustling to save over 30 residents and church members. They were in the church ...
Read More »Desired Things
What kind of thoughts does the word “desire” bring to your mind? Some think of riches while others covet the prestige of position–a name known to many. Some have longings for a family of their own, and others dream of a life of service. Sadly, some minds tend towards darker ...
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