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Tag Archives: fear

Good Friday–What’s Good About it?

It’s Good Friday, but it doesn’t seem like a lot of good happened on this day nearly 2000 years ago. Jesus died that day; a Man without sin. His only crime?–trying to teach His people how to follow God’s Law. He was shunned by His own people (John 19:15), and ...

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What to Do After a Job Loss

I’ll never forget the day: January 14. That’s when life shifted and the foundation beneath my feet shuddered. It was a Monday. A slow Monday—until my inbox chimed. It was from the VP, announcing a mandatory meeting in the staff room. My heart felt like it plummeted to my toes. ...

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Good Grief: Finding Life After Loss

I have been a widow for a year and ten days.  My late husband’s death was very sudden so I didn’t have a chance to prepare.  Not that you can ever prepare for something so earth-shattering as the death of a spouse.  I’ve spent the last 375 days working through ...

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There is Hope in the Valley of Death

Do not live in the valley of the shadow of death. “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4 A famous evangelist, Jessie Duplantis, once said, “God does not want us living in ...

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A Biblical Response to Gun Violence

Perhaps the repeated incidents of school shootings, workplace violence, and irresponsible gun ownership are a few of the reasons the gun control issue doesn’t seem to go away. The carelessness or intentional actions of these gunmen are tragedies and no matter which side of the ideological aisle you come down ...

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