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Tag Archives: spiritual battles

Using God’s Gift Of Writing

It is very humbling to be a part of an international team of writers, proclaiming the Word of God around the world. I don’t take it lightly. It is serious business! To think that I am writing articles to draw people to God’s saving grace or building up the Body ...

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Christian Living In This Perverse Generation

“There have been other times in modern American history when the left has resorted to physical intimidation and violence, but I believe that what is coming is going to far surpass anything that we have ever experienced before.”  This is a quote by Michael Snyder. He also quotes the radical ...

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Spiritual Warfare 101

 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this age, against spiritual host of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6: 12 Every Christian that has made a decision to follow Christ as their Savior, will endure spiritual ...

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Misery Loves Company

Have you ever been around someone who has a tendency to be the downer at the party? How about the person who lashes out at you with their words even though you have done nothing to deserve what is being said? No matter what you try to say or do ...

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