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Stephanie Reck

Stephanie has a heart and passion to see broken lives restored and redeemed through Jesus Christ. She writes through her personal experiences and her educational and professional background. She has over 17 years experience in counseling, and has a Master's degree in Social Work, Bachelor's degree in Psychology, and is a Licensed Belief Therapist. Stephanie has been married for 16 years,and has one grown son. Stephanie's desire through her writings is to bring hope and encouragement to the body of Christ, that no matter what you have been though or going through, there is restoration and redemption through Jesus Christ.

Why Criticizing Others is Harmful

Criticism can be defined as dwelling on the perceived faults of another person with no view to their good. “But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you show contempt for your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. For it is written: ...

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What to Do If You Are Battle Weary?

The term “battle weary” originated from soldiers who have been on the battlefield too long and are tired of being there. “Battle fatigue” or “combat fatigue” in a solider is characterized by depression, anxiety, and loss of motivation, caused by the stress of active warfare. As Christians we too can ...

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12 Practical Ways to Encourage Others

Everyone goes through difficult times, and most people appreciate encouragement when they are going through hard times. Merriam-Webster’s definition of encouragement: to make someone more hopeful, determined and confident. To inspire with courage, spirit, or hope. You may never know how your words can lift someone out of despair or ...

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Basking in God’s Goodness

As I sit outside this morning feeling the crisp fall air, I am reminded to bask in God’s goodness. Last week like so many other weeks was hectic, and I rarely stopped to just enjoy God’s blessings. Earlier on my jog today I noticed the stunning sun rising and a ...

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7 Practical Tips for Gaining Contentment

I always believed that a house with a white-picket fence and 2.5 children would bring me contentment. God however had other plans for me than my picture-perfect idea of what I thought was satisfaction. I struggled for years accepting that my life had turned out differently than I had hoped. I ...

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