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God Takes Our Prayers Seriously

Let us make no mistake about it. God takes our prayers to heart and He takes them very seriously. He has made His throne of grace and His presence available to us through prayer. He tells us in Jeremiah 33:3 ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ He is more willing to answer our prayers than we are to pray them. He delights to hear from His children. He longs to commune with us in prayer.

We need to realize that we don’t always have to ask God for something in prayer. (It’s alright if we do though!) We can come to His Love just to hang out with Him in silence. He may do all the talking and we may just listen. We can enjoy His presence and He will enjoy just being with us. Nothing brings greater delight to our Father’s heart then we take time out of our very busy schedules to be with Him. He always has time for us. You will never hear God say to us “I don’t have time for you right now.” We may tell Him that but He will never tell us that.

God has a history of delivering His own in their darkest hours… Remember the great prophet Daniel? This man of God was falsely accused of breaking the king’s edict. He was thrown into the lion’s den because he prayed! Daniel sat in a den with, hungry, man-eating lions. He called on the name of the Lord and God sent an angel to shut the lion’s mouths. God supernaturally spared Daniel because he asked for the Lord’s hand to save Him. God thought highly of Daniel’s prayers He didn’t hesitate to answer Daniel in one of his darkest hours. What does this tell us today? In Jesus God has the same regard for our prayers as well.

God assigned Jesus to be our intercessory High Priest after the order of Melchizedek. Jesus will fulfill this role until the end of the age. (Once the end of all things transpires He won’t be actively interceding for us.) He will hold the title of High Priest forever though. God places immeasurable importance on prayer. When we can’t pray for ourselves Jesus intercedes for us. The Holy Spirit also helps us in our times of weakness. So don’t ever think your prayers are not important to God. Jesus died after all!

What does prayer mean to you?


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