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God’s Grace And Thankless People

1 Thessalonians 5:18 In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Phoebe was mostly glum. Rarely did I see a smile flash across her somber face. This term at school, I led a Grade 6 well being program with five girls and though the others engaged well, Phoebe did not. I asked if she wanted to participate; she was willing enough. But her facial expressions and body language indicated otherwise. On the final day, I held a lavish luncheon for the girls. Each received a present (one of many over the duration of the course). But Phoebe never smiled. Never said thanks. No hint of gratitude.

I was crushed. How could I feel affection towards an eleven year old girl who showed no sign of interest, no hint that she was learning anything or enjoying the comradeship of either myself or her peers? Phoebe’s lack of engagement mystified me but her inability to say a gracious thank you stirred angry thoughts inside. I wrestled with this girl whom I found very hard to like. In despair, I found myself more than once giving the group a little lecture on the importance of showing gratitude, always making an extra effort to look in Phoebe’s direction!

Now, as I drove home after the grand finale luncheon, feeling very bruised by her thanklessness, I began to consider that verse in 1 Thessalonians. ‘In everything give thanks’, we are told by Paul. Thanks?! How could I possibly be thankful for Phoebe’s behavior towards me? However, I am thankful for the learning that I gleaned from this situation. Phoebe drove home the fact that we ought to take every opportunity to be thankful to those who have showed kindness to us. We ought not to let a circumstance pass us by. Offering thanks later, may be too late. How often, I mused, have I neglected to say a simple, genuine thank you, when I have received goodness from another? How often have you done the same?

1 Corinthians 1:4 I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus.

Furthermore, I considered how often I have neglected to thank God for those who have given to me, because of the grace God has given to them. For we know that every good thing we receive or offer to another, is not dependent on us, but the grace He bestows upon us. And how often have I neglected to thank the Father for His most generous gift to us – His Son. We ought to remember that we are saved by His grace, live by His grace and will stand before Him one day in glory, entirely based upon His grace. In our sinful, fallen state, it is entirely an act of grace that He shows mercy to any of us. And we ought to often express our gratitude that He has made us His children.

There will always be thankless people. Those who are too proud, or too insensitive or too whatever to humble themselves and acknowledge that they have been blessed by another. But regardless of their response, ours must remain constant and true.

Ephesians 5:1 Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling savor.

It takes the grace of God to fulfill the command of God. Only by His grace can we walk in love to those who hurt us, despise us, ignore us and ultimately reject us. The Savior who experienced all this is able to enable us. Enable us to love the Phoebe’s of this world. When we recall to mind, the atrocities carried by Christ, we find our own sufferings very minor indeed. And if Christ bore all that we do against those who treat us poorly, and even more so, how much will His grace enable us to love those unloving towards us? This truth will keep us humble, and our attitude centered on Christlike love towards others, even as they appear to reject us.

No experience is wasted in God’s economy. He constantly uses every circumstance so that we might come to think and behave differently – more like Christ. Consider the Phoebe’s in your life. We ought not to let a root of bitterness or anger spring up in our heart toward them, but bear with one another, being kind and tenderhearted. Is there a call here to be more thankful towards those who have shown kindness towards you? Have you been neglectful in doing this? Do you need to be more lavish and spontaneous in offering thanks and praises to God for His greatest gift to you?

“Father, help me to love the unlovable, to persist in reaching out when all I seem to receive is rejection. Help me to reflect upon what You suffered Jesus, knowing that I can bear whatever load You give me to carry by depending upon Your grace. Father, I praise and thank You for Jesus, for His everlasting love and goodness beyond measure towards me. Amen.”

About Jennifer Woodley

Jennifer is an Australian freelance writer who lives in a small rural town in sunny Queensland. She is passionate about encouraging others on their journey with Christ through writing and mentoring. Jennifer is a school chaplain, wife, mother of three adult sons and loving grandma of one adorable grandson. More of her writing can be found at www.inhisname6.com and www.faithwriters.com.

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  1. It is an example of the goodness of Christ to step into this world of sinful man and take our punishment so we can be free of the charges leveled against us that condemns us to an eternal hell. Yet, He is still ignored and even denied by many. They love their sins and don’t appreciate His love and mercy. They are seeking after their pleasures instead. How blind is their vision in life that they can’t see past themselves.
    Sometimes people have had a difficult life whereby abuse may have taken away any trust in others and kindness is foreign that can cause a lack of confidence in themselves or in the intentions of others. But
    His word still rings out the news of His love and willingness to forgive and redeem our souls no matter how vile or ungrateful an individual has been.
    Yes, we need the mind of Christ so we are not to be offended by the attitudes of those who don’t have it in their heart to be thankful.
    We can rejoice within because we have been blessed with His presence and hopefully find pity for those who haven’t come to know the radiance of His presence in us that they are missing out on.
    This was a good message to share and to think about how we treat others and how we are treated. Being mindful of this matter can help us to be better towards others.

  2. Jennifer, thank your for this much-needed reminder which you communicated very well.

    My heart goes out to the many “Phoebe’s” in this world. They are a reflection of what their home life is like and what they are experiencing at home. They need to be reached for Christ and to experience love from others outside of their family. It takes a long time to help that person to a place of thankfulness.

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