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Lust, Lies And Loss (Chinese/English)

Judges 16

16 And it came to pass, when she pressed him daily with her words, and urged him, so that his soul was vexed unto death;

17 That he told her all his heart, and said unto her, There hath not come a razor upon mine head; for I have been a Nazarite unto God from my mother’s womb: if I be shaven, then my strength will go from me, and I shall become weak, and be like any other man.

18 And when Delilah saw that he had told her all his heart, she sent and called for the lords of the Philistines, saying, Come up this once, for he hath shewed me all his heart. Then the lords of the Philistines came up unto her, and brought money in their hand.

19 And she made him sleep upon her knees; and she called for a man, and she caused him to shave off the seven locks of his head; and she began to afflict him, and his strength went from him.

20 And she said, The Philistines be upon thee, Samson. And he awoke out of his sleep, and said, I will go out as at other times before, and shake myself. And he wist not that the Lord was departed from him.

21 But the Philistines took him, and put out his eyes, and brought him down to Gaza, and bound him with fetters of brass; and he did grind in the prison house.


The story of Samson is probably one if the saddest in the whole bible。Samson had awesome strength, but he also had a fatal flaw and that was his lust for women.

So here was Samson with his latest love, a women who totally in awe of Him. Where do you get your awesome strength Samson?. She pestered Samson constantly. Every day she was asking Him, he was driven to distraction, he had tried to put her off by telling lies to her and she had followed her instructions, and then his lies were exposed. You see Samson was driven by lust, he lusted after this women and it led him to tell a whole web of lies.

So it is with us, we lust after something or somebody and it leads us into either telling lies or living a lie. There is no other road for the person who follows his/her lust. Finally, we couldn’t stand it any longer and he told her all her heart. Believer Samson is such a warning to us. You don’t need to tell your heart or to confide in your unbelieving friends, because they will just betray you, just like Delilah did. She was driven not by concern or love for Samson for for the love of money.

Look at the end of verse 19, she started to laugh at him. The world and the devil lures the believer and then when it has lured him/her, it just laughs at them and tosses them on the scrapheap. Do not be lured believer by the sweet talk of the world believer.

Verse 20 is one of the saddest verses in the whole bible. Samson must of known his hair was not there, as his hair was quite long, but he was totally oblivious that his hair had been cut off. This is a picture of the Christian losing the power of God in his/her life. You know we go out every morning without prayer, and we wonder why we struggle. We think we can live on past glories, you know the Lord never leaves us, but his power can and sometimes does. We must constantly seek God.. every moment.

If we lose God’s power, then we lose our spiritual sight and we end up in the prison house. Literally, we lose our spiritual focus and we end up under the yoke of the evil one.

We see that our lust, leads to a life of lies and to the loss of our spiritual power.

Samson is strong, but he lost his spiritual eyesight.

Have you lost your spiritual eyesight, because of some sin in your life?

If you have you will end up grinding in the prison house.. defeated and depressed. The only way to stop that is to constantly pray and seek God, every moment of every day.

God bless you

About Keith H

Hello everyone, my name is Keith or kk. love the Lord, his word and his people.Saved since 1975. Married to an amazing Chinese lady called Helen withe daughter called Sherry Love to write and to share Gods word.. I love to travel, we have been to Norway, Rome and Prague recently. i love reading, watching sport and listening to music especially City alight and soundslikereign If you wish to contact me my email is [email protected] Remember to pray for the Chinese Church

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  1. Thanks for this much-needed and timely reminder. New Christians and mature Christians must always be on guard against Satan’s subtle attacks and the innocent looking sin of neglecting to spend time with God and God’s Word.

  2. thanks dale

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