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Pillow Talk

Intimacy draws two people together. It is the result of a close familiarity or friendship that brings about a deep personal connection. Genuine intimacy brings comfort, satisfaction, and peace of mind. While intimacy can be achieved almost anywhere, the most common area is the bedroom. After all, it is the room that house the most relaxing invention—the bed. Pillow talk is one of the best ways to build intimacy. It involves two individuals enjoying each other company as well as indulging in some down-to-earth communication.

Now, I know the first thing that comes to mind is intimacy and pillow talk between couples or lovers. And that’s fine. We do have a natural tendency to be desired and loved. An intimate relationship between couples usually fulfills this desire. Our Lord ordains this kind of union; “Then the Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him’.” (Genesis 2:18)

Pillow talk between spouses is an excellent way to build intimacy. The warmth of the bed, the face to face interaction, and the friendly invasion of personal space all combine to make the process easy-going and stress-free. During this time, all is revealed. Problems can be discussed, solutions found, and ideas created. Sometimes the conversation may be idle chattering. Even then, intimacy is being nurtured.

With that being said, it’s a known fact intimacy goes beyond a spousal relationship. It encompasses other relationships involving one or more persons. However, I’d like to draw your attention to the intimacy that exists between you and God.

What is the intimacy like?

Is there any intimacy at all?

Pillow talk can be that magical red carpet that leads to a deep closeness and intimacy with your creator. In the comfort of your bed—atop your cozy pillow—reveal it all to God. Use this time to tell Him how much you appreciate Him. Express how much you crave His presence in your life daily. Tell Him your fears, desires, and needs. He knows, but He wants to hear from you. Even when what you have to say is a little goofy, say it anyways. Pillow talk with God is a time of honesty and bonding. So climb onto your relaxing invention, grab your pillow, and improve the intimacy today.

“Tremble and do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent.” (Psalm 4:4)

“On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night.” (Psalm 63:6)

About Amelia

Amelia Brown is from the beautiful island of Jamaica. She is a 28 year old Guidance Counselor by profession, but a passionate writer at heart. Most of her articles written are aimed at stimulating positive change under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. She is also a published poet and a member of Faithwriters. Outside of writing, she enjoys volunteering, cooking, and turning frowns right side up. Amelia currently lives in New York.

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