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No Greater Love

No Greater Love

By James V.

John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

Terry Brown, a Deputy Sheriff on Southern Oregon’s coast, greatly risked his own life in order to save a 14 year old boy who was caught up in a rough surf offshore of Harris Beach, north of Brookings. Abandoning his own rope lifeline in order to reach the boy, and spending 45 minutes in the 50 degree water helping the boy keep his head above water before they could both be rescued.

The ordeal started when the boy was caught up in a strong rip current near shore, which pulled him out over 100 yards and into the extremely rough surf. Onlookers saw the boy in distress and called 911. Deputy Brown was one of the first responders.  He put on a lifejacket and went out into the waters to rescue the boy.  However, as he reached the boy he was forced to release the rope he’d brought along in order to quickly keep the boy from going under.

The deputy was able to keep the boy afloat, but was not able to fight the strong surf and currents and bring the boy unto shore.  They heavy surf churned, swirling the two of them in large circles and hindering further rescue efforts. Leaving the two of them in the frigid 50 degree waters for 45 minutes.

Several efforts were made to rescue them.  Other swimmers tried to reach them but struggled in the heavy surf. The Coast Guard was also called in, but couldn’t get close enough to pull them in due to shallow waters. Eventually a lone swimmer was able to reach them and tie ropes to them so they could be pulled unto shore.

As he was pulled from the water, Deputy Brown was described as delirious and losing consciousness from hypothermia. His situation was critical, as described by Curry County Sheriff John Bishop:

“He was within minutes, if he had been in the water 5 or 10 more minutes more, we would have lost him.”

Both Brown and the 14 year old boy were hospitalized, but are expected to make a full recovery.

This story shows us the best of human nature and heroism, as Deputy Brown was willing to put his own life on the line in order to save another. As Jesus has done for all of us, giving up His own life in order that we may all be saved and find salvation through God. Deputy Brown was surely following in Jesus’ footsteps on that day.


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  1. It’s so uplifting to hear great-ending stories of heroism like these. It makes me wonder what the headline would be if they were reporting on Jesus’ heroism… the greatest act of self sacrifice in history.
    ~We love because he first loved us.

  2. Great article Jim. Thanks for sharing. God bless. 🙂

  3. Great story, well articulate. Thanks for sharing a selfless act on the part of these people who all came together to save a life, in particular the one who put himself at greatest risk.
    We welcome these types of examples like a refreshing glass of iced tea on a hot summers day to get us out of our own narrow focus.
    The unexpected can determine who we are and what we are about. That makes me more aware of putting God in charge of our lives so we are better prepared for whatever comes our way and He can make us useful for His honor.
    Blessings- 🙂

  4. Loved reading this article. What a great example of how Jesus laid down His life for us, and “rescued” us.

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