Home / Poetry / Flaming Fires Of Faith

Flaming Fires Of Faith

Hebrews 12:29  For our God is a consuming fire.


For the LORD is a consuming fire.
Saith the LORD, “I will love my children.”
But woe unto those who are not in compliance.
He is our buckler and our strength!

For The LORD God is mighty indeed.
He rewards those who remain true.
He rejoices in those who trust Him.
He is set way far above all else! 

 For the LORD is our refuge.
And His love beyond understanding.
He is a Tree of power and height.
He is the Vine grafted in our hearts!

To walk with Him is an amazing gift.
To obey Him is to know His peace.
To Hear His voice is to realize completion.
To love Him is deep and profound joy!

His hands shall He extend to all of us.
His arms are open in a protective grasp.
His wings shelter us and keep us safe.
Oh, how we love and adore the Great I am!

Father God it is You we embrace.
Your awesome power and formidable love.
Your Omnipotence and endless wisdom.
We seek Your Face and Kingdom O’ LORD!

Your words, Your ways, Your will.
Your love, Your power, Your grace.
Your fullness, Your majestic Presence.
Your purity, Your throne, forever more!  

 Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.


C D SWANSON is an Author of 22 plus books, freelance writer, contributor to various websites, including The Bottom Line Ministries/Faith News. She's an active member of Faithwriters- and has her online website/ministry for over 15 years. It is her greatest joy to write what’s in her heart, and thus her favorite form of expression is in her devotionals. She and her husband share a deep love of God and dote on their fur baby Mickey. Retired Director from Long Term Healthcare Industry, she continues to be an advocate for many. To check out other writings of this author you can go here:

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  1. I could feel your enthusiasm for the Lord while reading this poem.

  2. When we dwell on the Living God, thoughts of Praise and adoration flow out from us like a river. It flows again back to the source where we find more astonishment in His presence and character. To think that He has such love for us as awful as we are is hard to wrap our minds around. There is no end to our words when we try to express who He is.
    In Him their is comfort and contentment. He satisfies us in every way.
    As we look around at this world He has created, the scriptures indicate that we haven’t seen anything yet. It brings longing and excitement but most of all it is all about being with Him forever.
    Thank you for sharing the thought of your heart that has flooded your soul and offers refreshment from the Living Water of His Word.

    • Hello Cora,

      Thank you so much!

      Your encouragement and words are a blessing to me. And I truly appreciate your wisdom in all of your comments. Your gift in writing is evident with each response you give to me, and all the other writers here at TBL.

      You bring an additional clarity and offer examples of the Word in a warm and loving fashion. You are such an encourager, much like Barnabus. In Acts 4:36 Luke translates Barnabas to mean “son of encouragement” or “son of consolation. And you, Dear Cora, do just that!

      Thank you again!

      God Bless you abundantly~

  3. Your response brought tears to my eyes but it isn’t about my intellect but what the Lord reveals to me . I ask Him to help me to say what He wants me to say. I desire to be an encouragement to others. I was listening to Warren Wiersbe yesterday on BBN and again just moments ago and ironically he was talking about Barnabas . It came as a surprise because I was thinking and hoping to become that kind of person.
    I have much to learn in that area but He knows how to work in us to bring Him glory.. That is where our focus is to be found. If it blesses your heart, see it more as a loving response from the Lord should it encourage you to keep up the good work!
    I am grateful for your articles and glad I can view your work. It is to bless many.
    Cute fur baby

    • Oh, Cora I really believe the LORD has gifted you with the spirit of encouragement, most definitely!

      Your words bless me, and as you’ve mentioned, it is given to you through the LORD, and it resonates.

      I see and feel it in all of your responses since I began writing here.

      It never ceases to astound me how the LORD brings affirmation and confirmation of His messages.

      Listening to your program, Warren Wiersbe is a fine example of how the LORD works, with the mention of Barnabas. That was no coincidence. As it is said, with God there is no such thing as coincidence but all His timing and will and purpose.

      I’m so glad you enjoy my articles, because like you, and so many other writers, we are led by His Spirit, so He does get all the glory!

      I will tell Mickey you think he’s cute. He loves hearing how “cute he is!”

      Well dear Cora, (Barnabas) I look forward to reading more of your comments.

      Have a Blessed Sunday~

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