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The Epiphany Through Suffering

A precious lesson is inspired by a persecuted Christian brother in China:

Physically beaten up in persecution for the name of Jesus Christ,

Is as real and painful as emotional/mentally worn out in depression,

I cry out “why am I still alive?”

Even though I seem to have pitiful right to complain to God, the situations won’t improve a bit.

Therefore, like Job, I finally learn:

Without God’s reviving Spirit to sustain me,

I am only a dead meat in a prison of darkness.

The epiphany, dawning on me through suffering with my own sins, or from evil attacks, or even for God’s divine will is:

O, if I can be alive and used by God to witness His glorious power—Nothing is impossible with El Shaddai, the Almighty God,

Then that’s totally my underserved honor.

About Manling Chen

Manling was born and grew up in Taiwan. She came with her husband and 2-year-old son to New York, NY, at age 30 to fulfill her dream of studying in the graduate school. She received a black belt in Taekwendo at age 40 and has been applying the Bible truth and discipline learned in the martial art to fight in her faith as a spiritual warrior. She works with God to write and is currently a freelance reporter for a national Chinese newspaper and writer based in Minnesota. Much of her writing is in the areas of spiritual learning, Bible study, parenting, education, Sunday school, opinions, interviews, and people's stories, etc.

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