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Tag Archives: Humility

You say you want a revolution?

radical for God, irresistible revolution, teens changing the world

That girl in your study hall is suicidal. You’ve heard her despair, and you see her there now with her head on her desk. Perhaps her parents and the school know of her depression, but a third of the student body is reportedly struggling just like she is. Your heart ...

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Humility And Scrubbing The Stinky Feet

Taking off my two-year old’s shoes, I jokingly proclaimed to my son. “Whooo! P.U!” “Your shoes smell awful!” With his brilliant blue eyes and giggled response, I knew he was enjoying the game, but in all reality, I questioned the possibility of someone so small creating such a putrid and ...

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John Wooden: Modeling True Success

Since basketball fans are now paying close attention to the NCAA tournament outcomes, I thought it fitting to drop a highly esteemed name known among sports circles – John Wooden.  Warmly known as “Coach” by many of his previous players at UCLA, this exceptional individual earned the title of “the ...

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Kindness and Humility

I want to live my life so there is no doubt or denying … I loved my people well. What does it take to love well?  What does living like an example of God’s love involve? Do we find it only in church or in the religious crowd? Or can we find God among ...

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Purify Yourselves … God Will Do Wonders

Jordan River, devote yourself to the Lord, Promised Land

A man known internationally for his ministry of healing and evangelism shared how, as a teen, he made a commitment to set aside ten years of his life to the Lord. “I decided not to pursue relationships or anything other than the work of the Kingdom of Heaven during that ...

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