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God’s Chosen One (Chinese/English)


For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love

God’s Chosen One

As, I start to write about these wonderful truths, I am like the psalmist, these things are too wonderful for me, they maybe too wonderful for me, but if you are truly born again, they are a reality for you as they are for me.
当我开始写下这些奇妙的真理时,我就像诗篇作者一样,这些事情对我来说太奇妙了, 它们可能对我来说太奇妙了,但如果你真的重生了,它们对你来说就像对我一样是现实。

When I was at school, and we played football, we had to pick teams, this was something I dreaded, because I knew  that I would be left to last, ever felt, like that?

Well, it’s not the case with God. Amen.

He chooses us. Yes, He chose me, and He chose you.

In 1 Corinthians 1:26-31, Paul says GOD chooses the foolish things, the things that the world thinks are useless and unworthy, how amazing。 We might not be anything in the world’s eyes, but we are everything in God’s eyes.
在哥林多前书 1:26-31 中,保罗说上帝拣选了愚拙的,就是世人认为无用和不值得的,这真是太神奇了。在世人眼中,我们可能什么都不是,但在上帝眼中,我们就是一切。

I can’t fully comprehend all this, truly it is beyond my understanding.

God the Father made a conscious choice to choose me and you, if you are truly born again. It shows surely that we have no part in our salvation it is God what take the initiative, it is God who draws us to Himself, it God who loves us.
1 John 4:19
约翰一书 4:19

Why did He choose us?

So, we could be holy and blameless before him, we were tainted by sin, but now because of the cross, we can be blameless.
所以,我们可以在他面前圣洁无瑕,我们被罪玷污了,但现在因为十字架,我们可以无可指责了。 ​

What motivated or constrained him? Love, pure and beautiful love. He had no need of us, He knew that we would reject Him, but still He chooses us, still He loved us and now praise God, He has you and me, for His very own. Amen.

Matthew Henry writes on this verse:
马太·亨利 (Matthew Henry) 写道:

We have here the date of this act of love: it was before the foundation of the world;

not only before God’s people had a being, but before the world had a beginning;

for they were chosen in the counsel of God from all eternity.

It magnifies these blessings to a high degree that they are the products of eternal counsel.

The alms which you give to beggars at your doors proceed from a sudden resolve;

but the provision which a parent makes for his children is the result of many thoughts, and is put into his last  will and testament with a great deal of solemnity.

God Bless You

About Keith H

Hello everyone, my name is Keith or kk. love the Lord, his word and his people.Saved since 1975. Married to an amazing Chinese lady called Helen withe daughter called Sherry Love to write and to share Gods word.. I love to travel, we have been to Norway, Rome and Prague recently. i love reading, watching sport and listening to music especially City alight and soundslikereign If you wish to contact me my email is [email protected] Remember to pray for the Chinese Church

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