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Seeing From The Sanctuary (Chinese/English)

Psalm 73


2 But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well-nigh slipped.

至于我,我的脚几乎失闪,我的脚险些滑跌。 (诗篇 73:2 和合本)

17 Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I, their end.

等我进了 神的圣所,思想他们的结局。 (诗篇 73:17 和合本)

18 Surely, thou didst set them in slippery places: thou castedst them down into destruction.

你实在把他们安在滑地,使他们掉在沉沦之中。 (诗篇 73:18 和合本)

Seeing From The Sanctuary


I was once at the Keswick convention and there were two preachers that night, both preached from Psalm 73. The first one stressed the first part of this wonderful Psalm, the second one stressed the second.


It truly depends on which angle you are looking at. The Psalm in the first fifteen verses sees the wicked prosper and wonders why.


He describes what the wicked do, and how seemingly they get away with the it, evil abounds and abounds, and no one can halt it.


The Psalmist is weary about thinking about this, and in verse 16, he is weary of this, and then we get the word. Until His perspective is turned on its head, not just does he see the end of the wicked, but he sees the blessed state of all believers.


Look at verses 23-28, God guides him, God counsels him, he will be received into heaven.  God is the deepest desire of his heart, his strength and his portion.


Evil men will come to destruction, we have to leave that to God and not focus on those things, but we need to be in God’s sanctuary gazing at the Glory of the Lord and knowing that we are blood bought children of God.


This is to be our focus. Amen.


Until you go into God’s house, you cannot have the proper perspective on life.


God bless you


About Keith H

Hello everyone, my name is Keith or kk. love the Lord, his word and his people.Saved since 1975. Married to an amazing Chinese lady called Helen withe daughter called Sherry Love to write and to share Gods word.. I love to travel, we have been to Norway, Rome and Prague recently. i love reading, watching sport and listening to music especially City alight and soundslikereign If you wish to contact me my email is [email protected] Remember to pray for the Chinese Church

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  1. I think this was such a fine article…I enjoyed it so much Keith.
    Thank you for sharing with us and the world,
    God Bless~

  2. your so welcome

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