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Are You Mad At God?

Recently, a person in my Bible study group admitted he was mad at God and confessed to telling Him so.  As I pondered his story and prayed for him, I reduced the scenario to a human to human level.  I imagined one person mad at another and how, at some point, the offended one would hopefully resolve to say, “I forgive you for….hurting me…, cheating me out of something…, or messing up and leaving me with the mess…”.  (Matthew 18:21-22)  In other words, fleshly imperfections splashed onto another.  But if someone is mad at God, and progresses to the point of “forgiving God”, it implies that God is imperfect or has made a mistake.  Actually, HE IS NOT AND CAN NOT.  On the contrary, we should thank God because He is perfect, works perfectly, (Deuteronomy 32:4) and always has our good in mind! (Romans 8:28)

As I continued to contemplate this scenario, I thought of an earthly father who denies his teen permission to attend an important (to the child) gathering.  But, unbeknownst to this teen, the father has been given the “low down” on this event…there is to be a police raid at the party for an armed criminal who is on the run.  Once the teen finds out the facts, is it really appropriate for him or her to say, “I forgive you, Father, for causing me such anguish over this situation”?  Could the child have spared him or herself pain and anguish by simply trusting the father and accepting his decision with joy?  Wouldn’t it be better for this one to instead, humbly say, “Thank you, Father, for your love so great that you would rather risk and bear the brunt of my anger than let me get hurt? Please forgive me.”.  My friend, this is the heart of the God who loves you…and does so, perfectly.  He doesn’t make mistakes with His children’s lives.

Recently I felt “let down” by God for what seemed His lack of interest to my cry for assistance.  So, I indignantly decided to tell him of my disappointment.  I felt justified and entitled.  (Wisdom, which I chose to ignore this time, warns us to tread cautiously in the realm of spoken negative words.) Oddly enough, it was the above two attitudes that were running rampant in the classroom I was trying to maintain.  I am sad to say that those attitudes (spirits) seemed to follow me around for a couple of days until I humbled myself and asked my perfect, loving, compassionate God for His forgiveness for my indignation and pride.  He forgave me and removed those hindering attitudes (spirits) thereby restoring our sweet fellowship.

“I forgive You, God,” should never be a comment leaving our lips. (Hebrews 13:15)  Even if someone is “mad at God”, I will boldly say that it is not God who has made a wrong move or mistake.  We are the ones who err; therefore, it behooves us to choose humility thereby sparing ourselves the pain created by defiance and indignation.  Don’t be mad at God.  Accept His loving work in your life for it will always be to your good. (Romans 8:31)


About Stephanie Hanouw

I just love walking outdoors - day or night. I identify most with the creative side of God and am energized by His artistry all around this world. He amazes me every time I turn around! Yeah, God and thank you, Jesus.

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  1. Great article Stephanie. It all comes down to humility. – Humility with others to either forgive or ask for forgiveness. And humility before God to accept that, whatever the circumstances, He is our perfect Heavenly Father and He knows best.

    • Yes, Melinda, I agree – humility. It sure is easy to tell that humility is at the opposite end of the devil’s pride agenda! Thank you for your comment.

  2. Well done. I think we have all been there, and if we say we have not, I question the veracity of that statement. One time I was mad at God for about 3 days about sometime I asked Him to prevent and He did not. After 3 days I couldn’t take it any longer and I began “speaking” to Him again. The moment I began a dialog, God said, “Will you blame Me for the unrighteous attitudes of someone else?” No was my answer. That question has followed me into many situations where I was tempted to blame God, not the person causing harm. Nice job 🙂

    • I am so thankful when God uses my mistakes to teach me something and I remember and have the opportunity to apply it successfully to other situations! He is such a GREAT Father.

  3. About a month ago, give or take, I had this very same problem. I know God! I am a born again Christian and every day I thank the Lord for something. (ya gotta stay positive) However, for the past few months things have not been going my way. Due to that, I said ‘f**k God’.

    I know that is a horrible horrible thing to say, but I have been at the end of my rope lately. Not that that excuses me in the least and I prayed for forgiveness as soon as it left my mouth.

    It just seemed easier to blame God than myself and although sometimes it still does, this site and Joel tend to make it a tad bit easier to deal with.

    Just thought I’d throw that out there

    • Isn’t it wonderful that we have a forgiving God that focuses on the bigger picture for our lives. Truly it is saving grace because there aren’t any of us doing this life perfectly. Thank you for being transparent! God bless you.

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