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The Patience of God

Have you ever considered the patience of God? He ignored the sins of mankind since the fall of Adam and Eve. He is so patient that He waited until the fullness of time when He sent Jesus Christ to die for all of mankind and passed over more sins then there are specks of sands in all the beaches of the world. God said His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts.

Since that time we cannot imagine all the acts mankind has committed against God that He would have been justified to avenge for the honor of His name. God’s patience is tied to His great love and mercy for His children. Think about that we all killed Jesus ultimately by our sins. God even forgave that sin as He patiently waited for mankind to take hold of His redemption in Jesus Christ.

God has patiently allowed history to walk through thousands of years because He wants all to be saved and none to be condemned to the eternal fires of hell. God in His patience knew all the sins and acts of rebellion man would commit before He ever created the first man.

We can become patient like God by the power of His Holy Spirit as we walk closer with God the fruit of patience becomes more evident in our character. Just think if we reflected the patience of God how quickly the world would be won to Jesus Christ.

We would walk in health and peace if we patiently forgive those who wrong us. It will be health to our flesh and strength to our bones. We would walk in the power and blessing of God in greater measure than we have ever experienced before. God said to be holy like He is Holy. Can you hear him say “Be patient as I am patient.”

Patience is contrary to our fleshy nature but we submit to the Spirit of God by His grace it will become second nature. We are created in the image of God and we can be patient as He is patient. Let’s become patient like God and change our world today!

“Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?” Romans 2:4

How can you improve patience in your life?


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