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You Are Immortal, So Is Your Destiny, part II

Everyone has a distinct soul, made for a distinct purpose, or destiny. Do you believe this?

Or do you live as though your life is just days that you must fill with eating junk food, drinking pop, going to school, going to work, playing video games, hanging out with friends, reading books, getting into some trouble, and going to the movies? You’ll graduate high school, probably attend college, at some point get married, maybe have kids, and let the years go by until you’re old or dead. Has there ever been a voice inside of your heart that asked you the question: isn’t there more to this?

There is more to our existence than merely existing. Nothing’s wrong with reading books, playing videos games, watching movies, hanging out, etc. It pleases God when we are thankful and enjoying life, especially when circumstances are difficult and crisis looms—keep praising, praying, and believing. If any of these are not forthcoming, see your difficulties as the humbling of the heart and cry out to God to help you. He is always working in our lives (John 5:17) and Jesus is always interceding on behalf of the saints (Romans 8:34), so God is doing something in you or through you.

If you choose to answer the cry of your heart and keep after your destiny, your journey will not be easy. It can’t be—otherwise pride will entangle your feet and you’ll trip and fall. What I mean by pride is: you will think in your heart that God didn’t do much above what you were able to do on your own. You will begin to brag in small and big ways about your attainments. You will stray from praying because you won’t really believe that God is an absolute essential. Sin has made us hard-crusted creatures, liable to great and disastrous delusions. The constant, unfailing love of God is the only thing that keeps everyone, believers and nonbelievers alike, from total destruction.

If you’re set on discovering and fulfilling your purpose, and you want to give up—don’t. In this world you will have trouble, Jesus says. But take heart, because I have overcome the world (John 16:33). Which means we can, too. Many times I have soaked my mind in Psalm 138:8, the Lord will accomplish what concerns me. But He won’t accomplish on earth what is already yours in heaven without a close relationship with you. He wants to infuse you with His resources—joy, love, energy, vision, and many other good things.

God loves us with a holy, jealous love. In His pursuit of us, He will put His finger on anything that separates us from His heart. He knows those who are His, and He will allow hardships to make us malleable in His hand. It is the same hand that made the planets, the stars, the beautiful and strange-looking sea creatures, and the splash of colors painted across a meadow of wild flowers. The Bible says that as a Potter, He molds us. If we are off track, He will start again, molding our mistakes into a part of our destiny.

With God, you will achieve your destiny, because He has ordained it. No one and nothing can prevent it. Delays and setbacks are used by God to bring us closer to Him, to teach us to access His power and strength, and to find relief and freedom in humility.

God is for you, not against you (Romans 8:31).

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5).

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord and not for men (Colossians 3:23).

How does knowing you are destined affect you?

About Ashley Nicole

lives in Minnesota where the winters are long and harsh, white and beautiful (think Frozen). She loves writing Christian fiction and has published a book about the steadfast working of God's love and truth in the midst of personal, relational, and national turmoil - Kingdom Horizon. Check it out! Along with other TBL writers, she is a member of faithwriters.com. She also likes being with children and works as a substitute teacher. Thanks for reading this and hope you are blessed by The Bottom Line website.

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  1. Ashley, what an encouraging word you have provided…not just for youth but for all of us. Thank you. We (I) need to remember just how faithful and able God is.

  2. Your comment was very encouraging 🙂 thank you, Stephanie!

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