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Suing Mr. President

Today for the first time in history the US House of Representatives has voted to sue the President of the United States. As one would expect, the votes were almost entirely partisan. All democrats voted against the lawsuit and all but a handful of republicans voted to go forward with it .

Individual members of congress and the citizens they represent believe Mr. Obama has failed to execute his duties as president of the US according to the Constitution. They believe that his eagerness to use ‘his pen and his phone’ testifies to the fact.

The action, whether it makes it to court or not, will have consequences – political consequences. Politics should have no place in such a serious matter. For the republicans, it could alienate those who believe his actions are impeachable offenses. For democrats, it opens the door for them to make claims of a witch hunt on the part of the representatives.

As for the president, he mocks those taking the action. He asserts that it is nothing more than a stunt. Speaking to the crowd, he states that their elected officials are not working for them. Are they wasting time voting on the lawsuit instead of immigration reform and legislation to help hard working Americans? Or have they decided to stand their ground against what they believe to be a serious threat to the Constitution?

We now have ideologies at complete opposite ends of the spectrum along with everything in between. Gridlock should not come as a big surprise. But it appears that our government is behaving more like a dysfunctional family. Gridlock doesn’t always indicate partisan politics. –  Many times it does, but not always.  But sometimes it is all about winning friends.

Many will entreat the favor of a liberal man, and every man is a friend to him who gives gifts. Proverbs 19:6

It is good and at times necessary to compromise. It is not compromise, however, when one person (or in this case political entity) is expected to go along with whatever the other one says.

Do we want a government in which one party knuckles under to the other so they won’t be accused of causing gridlock? Do we want our president assume the responsibility of the House – the responsibility of making law?

It matters not whether we are in agreement with the president and the executive orders he chooses to sign. What matters is that each elected official honors his or her oath to protect and defend and that the Constitution of the United States of America is not eroded.

About Melinda

Melinda is currently the worship leader at her small church in rural America. Married for 23 years, she and her husband Larry have one son. She is the Director of Mailing in the print/mailing industry by day and freelance author by night. Her desire to write is a passion borne from tragedy. God used it to take her faith to a much deeper level. Melinda is a freelance writer and member of FaithWriters. She joined the TBL team in March 2014. Believing we are citizens of a greater ‘kingdom,’ her articles for The Bottom Line examine governmental responsibility, citizen involvement and current political topics. With the great wisdom contained in scripture as her guide, she looks at today’s political environment from a Biblical perspective. She prays her words will prompt the reader to view citizenship - and every aspect of their life, through the eyes of faith. Col 3:17 To read more of Melinda’s writings on her faith, hope, and life visit her blog Still Living Still Loving or her page at Faithwriters.com. You can also follow her on Twitter @MKZbk.

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One comment

  1. Thanks for sharing this! Leaders certainly have a high standard of accountability to keep with those they are leading. If something has been done outside the law, then hopefully justice will be served–and our Constitution protected!

    It should not matter who the person is, either! Good choice of scripture here, too.

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