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Christmas The Innkeepers Story (Chinese/English)

Luke 2

4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:)
5 To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.
6 And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.


4 约瑟夫也从加利利上到拿撒勒城,进入犹太,到了大卫的城,名叫伯利恒,因为他是大卫的后裔。
5 他与他所信赖的妻子玛丽一起纳税,因为她有孩子。
6 就这样,当他们在那里的时候,她被交付的日子已经结束了。
7 她把长子抱出来,用襁褓把他裹起来,放在马槽里,因为客栈里没有地方给他们。

The Innkeepers Story

This person had a front row seat to the birth of Jesus, I wonder if he told his story it would go something like this.

It’s been a long day today, my inn which is one of the biggest in Bethlehem is full to overflowing, people have been coming to this small town, they all need somewhere to stay, many come from out of town, they were born here, but have no house or residence here, so they have to stay somewhere.

The inns are all so full, mine included, it’s been a long day, why oh why did the Romans have to start all this census nonsense, they are so precise, but they are our rulers, it does bring in good business for me, money is flowing in.

It’s been a long day, and I try to rest my weary body, but just before I close my eyes, there’s a knock on my door, who could it be so late at night?

Wearily I go down to answer the knocking on my door, under the moonlight, I can see a young man, please help us sir, my wife is heavily pregnant, she is about to give birth, and I have been to every other inn in Bethlehem, they all have said there’s no room, please help us.

He is beyond anxious, the pleading look in his eyes, I don’t mean to say this to him, but truly I have no rooms, but I do have a stable where the animal feed, there is hay and straw where you can rest, and I can give you some water and a little food.

His eyes light up, thank you so much, so I take him to the stable, there is oxen and my cows asleep, the couple are just so happy, she can’t be any more than in her late teens, she has a great glow, and he is very attentive to her.

They settle in, my animals have never had human company, they seem fascinated by their new visitors, they soon go back to sleep.

But during that night, well two things happened, first of all, the girl gave birth, her name was Mary, it was a boy, her firstborn, they called him Jesus, and they laid him in the animal trough used for feeding the animals.

Amazingly, they had visitors, you see these shepherds came because they had heard thousands of angels, telling them that the Saviour, would be born in Bethlehem and in my stable. They told everyone, I don’t think many believed them, after all they are shepherds and shepherds are always telling tall stories.

You know, long ago, one of our Prophets Micah told us that the Saviour would be born in Bethlehem, I wonder, if this was Him.

Jesus came into the world to save sinners like you and me, he came humbly and without any pomp and majesty.

He was born in a humble stable, no one recognized Him, no one wanted to know, He came because we couldn’t get to God, He had to come to us.

Most if not all of the inns in Bethlehem refused entry to Jesus, that’s like the world today, it refuses to accept Jesus, it puts up a no entry sigh to Jesus.

Others are like the innkeeper, they put Jesus in the stable, they will accept Jesus in, but place him away from their celebration of life, Jesus you go to the stable, we will celebrate with you outside in the stable.

The shepherds however heard the good news and came to see Jesus, and they were transformed, they told everyone.

This Christmas, which one of the three are you like?

About Keith H

Hello everyone, my name is Keith or kk. love the Lord, his word and his people.Saved since 1975. Married to an amazing Chinese lady called Helen withe daughter called Sherry Love to write and to share Gods word.. I love to travel, we have been to Norway, Rome and Prague recently. i love reading, watching sport and listening to music especially City alight and soundslikereign If you wish to contact me my email is [email protected] Remember to pray for the Chinese Church

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  1. The Greatest Love and Brightest Light ever to come our way!
    Thanks for sharing
    God Bless

  2. thanks so much

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