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Because of The Sacrifice, God Owes us Nothing, but we Owe Him Everything

As Christian men and women grow spiritually they expect to gain more insight, and should possess a driving desire to improve their walk. Many expect God to show favoritism because of their loyalty, but God is not like that. God wants us to be loyal to Him without obligation, not to gain something through Him, but to worship Him with thanksgiving and love because He gave us life and a world to live in. He doesn’t want our loyalty if we are only doing it to gain something. He looks upon all of us as sinners; as humans born into sin, and any sin we indulge in blinds us from God, (James 2:10-11). Working as a kind of filter system, only through the blood of Christ can God look past our sins and see the child He created before Him.

We are so steeped in sin that it is hard to look passed it, but through Christ we can be seen and heard by God. Only through The Sacrifice are we able to near His presence. As Christians we must learn to avoid common worldly desires such as fame and fortune, and learn to be content with what we have; with what the Lord has given us. This is hard to do in this world we live in. In society we are taught that the world owes us, and that it’s up to us to take what we’re owed because the world will not give back freely. We are to look out for number one and to do whatever it takes to get ahead and make life easier for us, but as sad as it is, that doesn’t happen too often. We gain and we want more, after-all we worked for it, and if we have to step on a few fingers going up the ladder, well, such is life. But, what would happen if we just stopped and helped that person instead? You’ve already been through this, so now you have the opportunity to share your own experience with someone else who is struggling, (Romans 15:1). Stopping to help doesn’t damage your own growth in any way, it just adds a few more people into the mix who are struggling just like you, and you gain an ally for support and encouragement. The closeness you share with other Christians is only going to strengthen as you help one another with your Spiritual Walks. That’s why it’s important to hang with other Christians, through them you can gain insight into a world full of sin and hurt, (Hebrews 10:25).

Ahead of us is eternity, and it’s open to us only if we accept the Sacrifice of Christ, and are willing to do our best to live a life free of sin.

Thinking about your own Spiritual Walk, what rewards do you expect from God?

About Tim

Tim is a self-published author. His genre is Christian Fantasy- he loves the challenge of trying to combine Christian and Fantasy into a novel that loses none of it's spiritual value. Tim has been an active member in every Church he has attended. He has served as Head Usher, a Sunday School Teacher, and a Youth Director, and has also served as a Church Elder. Tim's prayer is that the Holy Spirit will minister through his words, and that his experiences and knowledge will be helpful to someone out there who needs a true friend like what we have in Christ Jesus.

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  1. Great insight. Thank you for sharing and helping us along our journey in life.

  2. You are welcome, so often we get right with God and accept Christ as our Savior, and then don’t know where to go after that. We each must learn to practice what we have learned through Holy Inspiration, and let our day to day living to be a witness in itself.

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