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Finding Contentment In A Troubled World

Drugs, alcohol, sports, gambling, and a lust for women, are the common pitfalls of men, and the main foibles that breed discontent. Bear in mind that not one of those things adds one wit to our lives. These physical things are quick fixes, they’re temporary, and though they may entertain us for a short span, life still continues around us, the woes and pitfalls of life are still there, waiting for us to face once again when play is over. There are much more meaningful things to pursuit in life; things that actually enrich our lives that will help us deal with the uncertainties of life.

The Bible tells us to be content with our situation in life; being content often comes with thoughts of tranquility, and a laid back lifestyle- no worries, no stress. This is the goal of everyone, and it’s true, if all of us could be content in our jobs and our lives, perhaps the attitude of society wouldn’t be quite as harsh, but being content also means being content in our trials, knowing full well that it is God’s Hand preparing us for what’s ahead. (Philippians 4:11-12)

We live in a troubled world and as Christians it’s up to us, as God’s example, to handle situations with the confidence we gain from the Holy Spirit. Life here and now is short when compared to eternity- it’s barely a discomfort, like an itch you can’t reach, and when you ask someone else to scratch it, you have accomplished what God intended. We must learn to look past the discomfort of life and focus on the eternity ahead, helping along as many people as we can, and one day, just like Christ, we will overcome the world and the world will thank us. (John 16:33)

So be an over-comer, don’t let the world overshadow the joy that lies ahead- look at life as a time to grow spiritually. Difficulties abound and life often seems unfair, but don’t let the woes of this world hold you back; always know that whatever it is that you are going through, you can handle it. You will reach the other side; just believe in God’s promise. Be happy with what you have, but don’t stop working for more. Always remember that God created each of us for a reason, and that reason, if you are living under God’s Will, is not often obvious, but He does know what He is doing, and all things will work together for our own good. (1 Corinthians 10:13) Sometimes we just have to remind ourselves of that.

What are some ways you find to be content in this troubled world?

About Tim

Tim is a self-published author. His genre is Christian Fantasy- he loves the challenge of trying to combine Christian and Fantasy into a novel that loses none of it's spiritual value. Tim has been an active member in every Church he has attended. He has served as Head Usher, a Sunday School Teacher, and a Youth Director, and has also served as a Church Elder. Tim's prayer is that the Holy Spirit will minister through his words, and that his experiences and knowledge will be helpful to someone out there who needs a true friend like what we have in Christ Jesus.

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  1. Amen to this. All to often people get caught up and miss their contentment. The funny thing with that is when you finally reach a content state and you remain laid back people scoff at you….Satan doesn’t rest and he will do what he can to sabotage you but we serve a mighty God who crushes and tramples serpents. So keep your head up and keep your spirits high and remember that you are relaxed and laid back because you KNOW God has complete control.

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