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The Shield of Faith

We take up the shield of faith even though we cannot see the power of God working through it at times. The power of God is working through that mighty shield by faith. Every time we call on God in faith to raise that powerful shield He does. With the shield of faith we obliterate the fiery darts of the evil one. The devil cannot defeat us with God’s shield of faith working in full power for us.

We activate that shield by standing on God’s Word when the problems start hitting us from every direction. The Lord promised to raise a standard against the enemy when he comes in like a flood. Do you know what that standard is? The all-important shield of faith. It’s our main defensive weapon God has supernaturally supplied to defeat the evil principalities and powers in the heaven lies.

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ made a public spectacle of these demonic powers:

And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. Colossians 2:15

Our Shield of faith centers in the powerful victory Jesus won for us on Calvary. He stripped and totally disarmed Satan’s kingdom when He died that horrific death on Calvary. We have the victory assured in our hands and we don’t depend on our righteousness for the victory. It’s all Jesus righteousness and His power that has won the victory for us His beloved. In all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through His majesty!

Every battle we go head on with the powers of darkness we win because Jesus already won. We can’t look at circumstances or the progress of the spiritual battle through the eyes of our flesh. We need to look through the eyes and see what Jesus sees. The total victory from beginning to end. Body of Christ we will need to stay in faith and keep our shield of faith up high and around us. God’s power will support us beyond all we ask or imagine. So fight on Saints fight on!

What victory has Jesus given you?


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